
Hello! My name is Aidi Saifudin. Welcome to my website ! I am currently in Singapore Polytechnic studying in Game Design and Development course school of MAD.

More things to know about me is that I am 25 years old this year. My CCA is Dikir Barat which is a performing malay art. I love reading and not to mention I love playing games. One of my favourite game is League of Legends. Been playing that for more than 8 years. I have 2 cats and my favourite colour is blue. I also love photography. During my free time, I would go around and take pictures of places in Singapore.

This page is going to be description of myself and the things i learn in Digital Fabrication and Protoyping Fundamentals. This page can also be used as a portfolio. It is like an online blog for this module's work and projects. This page can also display my other module's work as time goes on. Feel free to look around and enjoy my website!